Are You Having Mail Delivery Problems?
Many Aspen Springs residents are still having difficulties getting a mail box. One of our residents, a former post office employee, has suggested this link as a way to resolve this problem.
Gang/Group Mailbox Sourcing Information
Please let us know your intentions! Aspen Springs Metro will fund and complete the foundation/pedestal and the Property Owner(s) will purchase the boxes
Rules of the Roads
We have had our own road district for over 35 years and thanks to our community forming our Metro District our roads are well taken care of and are the district’s main concern. Aspen Springs’ roads are county roads, but are maintained by the Aspen Springs Metro District. If you’ve driven around the roads of the county, you’re well aware that Aspen Springs roads are being routinely maintained and are kept in good condition.
Part of having our own road district means we must have some rules to abide by - some originate with the county and some, by necessity, originate with the Aspen Springs Metropolitan District. Rule number one is a county regulation regarding parking in the road right of way. How would we maintain the roads if everybody parked on them? So, the first rule is, NO PARKING IN THE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY. Any vehicle parked in the right of way is subject to being towed away at the owner’s expense.
Rule number two is the road setback. When the Metro District was formed they were given 60’ of road easement (30’ from the center on each side) for maintenance purposes. In order to take care of our roads properly, the Metro District has established a 15 foot setback from the traveled roadway as an area for future improvements such as central utility lines. This 15 foot setback is also used to remove snow in the winter. If you have a fence, utility box, a structure or landscaping in that 15 foot setback, there is a good chance that the snow plow will hit it causing damage to your property and to our public owned equipment, so please think about the tons of snow that must be moved off of our roads every winter and where that snow must be pushed. Any structure, utility installation or other improvement installed in the road right of way will be requested to be moved or it will be removed at the cost of the property owner.
Rule number three is that a permit from the Archuleta County Road & Bridge Dept. is required for all driveways connecting to the district roads. They will tell you if and what type culvert pipe may be needed. A permit is also required for any utility work or road cuts that may need to be done. Also, each homeowner is responsible for cleaning out their own culverts so keep them clean and our roads will be in good shape.
Remember, our road crew consists of three men and they have 66 miles of roads to maintain and plow, so please keep that in mind as you drive in our community. If you have suggestions, concerns, or complaints please come to our Board meeting and discuss it with us.
Aspen Springs Metro Resolution 2006-04, Regarding Road Right of Ways
This contains important information about district roads which were built outside of the platted right-of-way when the roads were constructed in 1984-86.
Building Permits Required
Please remember that an Archuleta County Building Permit is required to build in the Aspen Springs area. For more information regarding building permits go to and visit the Building Department page.
County Ordinances and available resources to achieve compliance
These are links to the major county ordinances that affect all properties and lands county-wide, including the Noise and Nuisance ordinances. Please review them, and all questions or complaints should be directed to the County Sheriff's Office at 970-264-8430.
Local Noxious Weeds Info - From Ethan Proud, Archuleta County Weed & Pest Supervisor:
Musk Thistle
Biennial---Starts late summer or fall as a rosette (flat on the ground). Over-winters as green plant
Mature Plant---3’ to 6’ with 1 large flower on each stalk. Up to 20,000 seeds that are viable for up to 15 years
Goal---Prevent seed production
Management---Shovel or hoe (cut root below crown; about 2” below ground level)
Tools---Herbicide – spray before seed production
Insects---insects that eat seeds available for purchase in spring. Rosettes are starting now with the moisture.
Canada Thistle
Deep rooted perennial growing as deep as 20’
Spreads by roots & seeds with many years of underground reserves. Cutting or pulling has little effect. Color varies from grayish green to dark green, normally 1 to 3 feet tall with multiple ½ flower buds per stalk.
3 years or so to control with herbicide.
For more information contact Archuleta County Weed & Pest Department 970-264-6773
We Need Your Input
Property owners and residents are encouraged to send pictures, articles and letters to be posted at Submissions may be sent to or come to the monthly meeting. We’ll see you there!
The Aspen Springs Metro District meets on the second Tuesday of every month at the Metro Building on Metro Dr. at 6 pm.
The public is always welcome and district residents are encouraged to attend. Please call with any questions or concerns to (970)731-5656. The following people are your District Board Members:
Chair Kenneth Barber
Secretary Eric Davidson
Treasurer Kelly Evans
Budget Officer Chris deVries
Public Works Pam Wallis