Important Wildland Fire Information
Wildland Fire Information

For additional information on home fire safety, visit the FireWise website at:
Information from Wildfire Adapted Partnership
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Home Ignition Zone - Protecting your property

For more information, feel free to email Stephanie at:
The notice below was received from Bill Trimarco, Archuleta County Wildfire Adapted coordinator.
Here are some other important links to local fire info.
The Sheriff's Department and Emergency Operations have established an emergency evacuation route for Unit 6 which utilizes Tara Mandala's private road out of Oak Hill Ranches down to Trujillo. We recommend contacting the Sheriff's Office for further information and precise directions.
Defensible space thinning guidelines:
 1-percent to 20-percent slopes =
 Brush/shrubs 75' from structure; 3X height separation distance between vegetation.
 Trees 75' from structure; 10-foot crown separation distance between trees.
 Grass 30' from structure; mow dead & dry grass to 6 inches or less in height.

 21-percent to 40-percent slopes =
 Brush/shrubs 150' from structure; 4X height separation distance between vegetation.
 Trees 150' from structure; 20-foot crown separation distance between trees.
 Grass 50' from structure; mow dead & dry grass to 6 inches or less in height.

 Greater than 40-percent slopes =
 Brush/shrubs 200' from structure; 6X height separation distance between vegetation.
 Trees 200' from structure; 30-foot crown separation distance between trees.
 Grass 75' from structure; mow dead & dry grass to 6 inches or less in height